Sunday, August 19, 2012

Friend-UnFriend: FaceBook

OK... This Topic might go nowhere.

There has been many times when I look at the number of 'friends' on my Facebook profile and get frustrated. Firstly, I am not in touch with most of them for more than 10 years or so. We are friends on Facebook for days, months, years, but haven't written a simple Hi to each other. When you see a birthday note popping up, you end up wishing - more like a ‘Oh! I have to wish now I know it is’. I don't blame anyone or the system. These are purely my thoughts.

There was a time when I was so angered with the quality of relationships that I decided to deactivate my account for a while. 2 people out of the 350+ friends noticed that I was not to be seen on it. Never heart burns there....for sure :). It definitely showed me something.

Don't get me wrong. I don't dislike Facebook. In fact, the reason why I am back on it is for the fact that I have found a few people in my life today I might never have found and I have to Thank FB as it was the platform that made it happen.

I think of it also as a great forum to post events. How would one know about all that's happening around at one given place? It is a brilliant way to advertise, market, invite the community you connect to.

On the other hand, you wish to disconnect from someone it happens with a click of a button - literally! It's a switch on or off to have a friend! How much more easier can it get!? Even better, you click a second time and you can block the person too! Wonder if your inner self could have a switch like that!

It reminds me of 'Tu-Say' that we used to do as little kids in kindergarten. 'Tu' confirming that we are not friends anymore and hence won't be talking and 'Say' bringing the friendship back, forgetting what might have happened.

There are too many things about friends and friendship and I am no genius to quote something new ....that said, I can copy something which I have liked and this quote in particular makes its place here

“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”

― Elbert Hubbard

1 comment:

  1. I found a facebook application which is namely as Bootcha. Link is

    I really impressed by this application because it provides Unfriended friend notification on my mobile, email and personally wallpost.

    Not only Unfriended Notification, it also provides me Bithday, Cyber Bullies and many more options.
